Friday, November 25, 2011

Hi guys!

It's been a while. :D Well, BUSEEEEY! I tell stories. ;) SO WATCH OUT!!!

Love love. <3

Friday, August 19, 2011

The end of the chapter.

Well, hell yeah. I don't know how or what. But I guess it's true. Our story ends. The end. I know we both don't like it but it happens anyway. But still, You're forgiven. I don't want to be a "bitter" to you because you've been part of my life in 1 yr and 5 months. But still, I wanna thank you for the good memories. But still, I hate you because you've broke my heart. You know that I love you but still you've find someone else. I can't blame you. Maybe you've been realize something. Let me repeat "YOU'RE FORGIVEN" But if you want to talk to me? Please don't. Because Im scared to turn back my feelings for you. I hate the fact that still, Im not strong enough in this situation. We're start from friends and I hope we'll end in FRIENDS also. I miss the old you. I miss my old bestfriend. Time flies and scenarios changes. But I guess, This is our faith. We're not destined to each other.

Well, now. THE SPARK's gone. But still memories last forever.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

This is for us girls.

This is for the girls who have the tendency to stay up all night listening to music that reminds them of their current situation. Who hide their fears, hurt, pain and tears under their smiles and laughs all on a daily basis. The girls who wear their hearts on their sleeve. The girls who pray things will workout just once and they'll be satisfied. The girls who scream and cry into their pillows because the rest of the world fails to listen. The girls who have it hard but don't let anyone know that. The girls who may never have it easy. The girls who have so many secrets but will never tell a soul. The girls who have regrets and mistakes as a daily moral. The girls who don't always win, who may never win. The girls who stay up all night thinking about that one boy wondering if he'll ever notice her. The girls who get what they get and don't throw a fit. The girls who take life as it comes, hoping it'll get easier somewhere down the road. The girls who love with all their hearts but always get broken. This is for the real girls. This is for you.

- I know we've encounter so much problem in our life. Learn to be strong enough. Try to cover our tears in a happy thoughts. Always think positive. This is just only a challenge of God to know how are strong we are to encounter and to solve it. Trust everyone. Forgive and forget. :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Don't you know my love is here.

I know it's not good to see that someone is still holding on while the one you love moved on. Love is so unfair. You are free to love and yet your free to be loved. When, someone attract, Sparks fly. Once you feel the spark, you never get out of love.

Now, even though our love is gone. I still reminisce the memories that we have to. The fact that I still miss you. I still miss the laugh times and cry times that we've shared to. I miss the times that we travel together. I miss you hands. I miss your hug. I miss you jokes, I miss your touch. I MISS ALL OF YOU. I hope if I could turn back time. I promise to you, I'll love you eternally. But, I know I need to accept the fact that I should be moving on. Turn the next page and still author my life to make my story complete.

I accept the fact that I still want you back.

CHAPTER GOES ON. BUT STILL..... I keep holding on.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Junior and Seniors Promenade.
Everyone's excited for the prom. For us juniors this is our first time to experience this once in a lifetime experience. For this night, everyone of us is prince and princesses. When time goes by, were gonna be seniors now. This is the most challenging year for us high schoolers. This prom is time for us students to enjoy our life, to get socialize and to be independent. As you can see in this picture, Im wearing Sky blue with reflection of violet w/ many sequence. And the shoes of mine is about of 3 inch high heels. Woah? For seniors, this is the last time that there gonna go to JS prom because college life proceeds. How I wish, everyday was a fairytale isn't it? That night, you don't know what you've gonna feel. You will feel nervous, excitement, pressure, happiness. So this is my preparation for that event. First, Abegail my super close friend and Carl Jan my best friend together with My sister go to Rand's house because that is the place that we've decided. Then all together we go to Art Renz salon for out hair and make-up. Then, we go again to Rand's house for our gowns then prepare. After that, all of us go to the venue together. My first impression for the place is so small for us third year and fourth year because so many students and section in our school for 3rd yr and 4th yr. When you enter the venue, You have to go to registration form then, take a solo picture FREE. Then as you enter to the real venue. The 4th year is at the left side beside the doors then our dance floor was in the center. And the third year students is ate the right side besides of us is the buffet and TV screen. As the event start, First, we have our opening prayer, then opening remarks by our school director. Then, Dinner after that Dance presentation by each sections of third year and fourth year. Then after that the nomination for the best suit for boys, best gown for girls, dance floor king and queen. Prom queen and king for fourth year students then Prom prince and princess for The Juniors. After that, the dance floor is ours! It's PARTY TIME. But my friends and I don't join to the dance floor because it is so crowded. When the love songs been heard All lovers dance. Clyde ask me to have a dance with him. First I hesitate to him. Then I approve to the dance then when we go to the dance floor. He ask me a question "CAN YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?". I was so shock after I hear it that's why my answer is "I DON'T KNOW". Clyde is my first dance. After we dance, Arbhen called me and he said to sit beside him and he ask me a question too. "CAN WE GET BACK TOGETHER?" God, two boys asking a same question at the same night? What should I do? Who is the one deserving to my sweet YES. Is it Clyde or Arbhen? After Arbhen ask me that he got 25 White roses in his hands. And I didn't know that my tears fall down. And I walk out and join my friends, then I saw arbhen cry. And I was say YES to him then, he smile and tempt to hug me. We get back together same day of JS prom. March 14, 2011 is very memorable to me. I experience a lot. And, also Keneth ask me to dance then he is my last dance. At 12 midnight, Fairytale is finish. Cinderella's get back to normal. She's not a princess anymore after that night, But, even though the time struck and she became a normal person again, She met the prince that can spend the rest of her life with. And I hope it be a HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

This girl...

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Share my thoughts. Live happily. Laugh all day and night. Love endlessly. Live life to the fullest. ♥