Tuesday, July 12, 2016


After long years of hard work, sleepless nights, endless school works, never tiring gala with friends, meeting one of your terror professor, having an anxiety or what so ever. Then it all ends. YOU GRADUATED! You thought... Yes! I'm all done with all this stuff and drama in college! But it's not.

Before college was so hard for every students and we want to just get away with it. But were all wrong. After you graduated you're own your own. Hello career world! Welcome to the world of unemployment stage and kamusta taxes to you!

Finding a job wasn't so easy. It takes a lot of courage, confidence and you have to show what you really got. But, how can you do all that if that's not your forte. Like me, I wasn't born confident enough to face other people without feeling insecure. Maybe I got low self-esteem or I was just really shy. Or maybe I always think I wasn't good enough in everything I've done.

Thankfully, I wasn't like the other students that was really focus on their studies. I was the kind of student that sometimes I take shits seriously sometimes I ain't. I go to parties, After class gala with friends, drinking session with my berks, having sleep over to one's block mates house when needed or plan. I experienced all that stuff. I have good grades most of the time to passed the subjects. Get some 3.00 or 5.00 in some subjects but I got to manage it to get high enough to qualify. 

You thought COLLEGE IS SO HARD I SHOULD KILL MYSELF! You're wrong. Wait till you graduate. 

In life, as long as you breathe the learning never ends. Even you finish your schooling you still learn things to grow you as a better person.

Now...I'm currently 3 months 2 weeks unemployed hence, finding a job that really suits my passion. And I hope I can find it by God's will. Because I know that He never fail to surprise us and He is the only one who knows the future. Just trust in Him and we'll not be perish but have an eternal life.

So to my fellow job seekers, good luck to us! May the odds be in our favor! :)

This girl...

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Share my thoughts. Live happily. Laugh all day and night. Love endlessly. Live life to the fullest. ♥